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Happy Mother's Day!

In honor of Mother's Day, I'm sharing my love for the nursery glider...where I spent most of my nights as a new mom! Because somewhere in between the advice of your girlfriends and the countless BuyBuyBaby coupons you keep getting in the mail, you decide that getting a glider for your nursery is the only acceptable thing to do.

So to start out you and your husband go glider shopping - which is equally as hard as buying a sofa because your husband wants the largest, most recliner-like option, and you prefer the more sleek, modern option. You sit down in several models, which is actually quite hard for you because you are pregnant and getting out of a soft chair gets more difficult by the day! You reach a compromised decision and spend quite a lot on this chair. Six weeks later it arrives and your nursery is now complete!

When your new baby arrives, the first few weeks are such a blur that you don’t even realize you are sitting (okay sleeping...sleep gliding) in that glider for hours a day. The years fly by and if you’ve kept your glider, its probably in rough shape - it has small milk stains, there are goldfish and Cheerios stuffed in between the cushions, and your toddler now jumps off the seat instead of cuddling in it. You decide it's probably time to let it go but only now do you realize how much that glider represents your time as a new mom!

I haven’t been very sentimental about my son’s belongings as he outgrows them - city living doesn’t leave us with much storage so I tend to purge as much as possible. But I haven’t been ready to say goodbye to the glider even though its really not well suited for his big boy room. And its getting far more abuse than love these days but every time I ask him if he wants a new chair that’s a better fit, he says no. While he doesn’t vocalize it, I think he feels an attachment to the glider just as I do. And so it will stay and be a happy memory of sleepless nights, endless cuddles, and newborn sweetness.

Being a mom is the most rewarding and most difficult job a woman will ever have. Regardless of your personality, income level, background, or anything else, it's amazing and tough no matter who you are! I love being a mother and I am hopeful god has plans for me to purchase a second glider one day soon:)

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers in the world - you are fabulous!



Glider @buybuybaby

Nursery Pillow @Everly&Monet

Nursery Blanket @targetstyle


Big Boy Room @laurenlouisephotography

Nursery @ginnyfilerphotography

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